About this site

What's the story behind this site anyway!?

Hi there 👋🏼 and welcome to The Name Generators 💁🏻‍♂️

My name is Rich the creator of this site. I am primarily a composer and music producer by trade and enjoy creating other things on the side to complement my projects.

That is why I started this site to create name generators that satisfied my own needs for new names.

As a side note, I am a huge fan of Sci-fi, Fantasy, Comics, and pop culture in general as well, of course, being a fan of all the music associated with these areas.

This is where we want to help out with our name generator - to give you names of characters, places, people, bands, and artists for all those nerdy projects.

Whether it's a new tabletop campaign or a Dungeon Synth project - we are creating the name generators for you (and me of course)

Our Story 📖

Over the years I have had many, many side projects; graphic novels, non-fiction books, websites, not to mention all my musical projects.

All of those have had to have a name.

Up until now, I used other name generators or even my brain (I know right!?).

It was when I was on the hunt for some fantasy names for a new Fantasy music project that I thought, "Hey, why don't I make my own generators instead?"

And here we are now 🤘🏼

What We Offer

The plan is to cover all of the bases that interest me:

  • Band names
  • Fantasy names
  • Sci-fi names
  • Funny names

Once I have built all these out who knows where this side-project will go but at this stage I am going to focus on those areas ✅

Meet the Team

The team right now is just little ole me, Richard Pryn 🙋🏻‍♂️.

I am a multi-award-winning composer for movie trailers and a general online business tinkerer. You can read more about me here.

Got Ideas?

If there is a name generator you specifically want then please find me on a social media platform and message me as this site currently doesn't have any (I don't reckon I want more accounts tbh!)

You can always email me on rich[at]thenamegenerators[dot]com BUT I can't guarantee I will reply (again, so many email accounts 😂)

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you get some cool names for your next creative/gaming project.

🏰 Fantasy Names

Orc NamesDnD Fantasy NamesSwamp Witch NamesPoE Witch NamesHarry Potter Witch NamesHogwarts Legacy Witch Names & Wizard NamesFunny Wizard Names

🎸 Band Names

Dungeon Synth Names